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We bring our original Vietnamese coffee flavours to you!

Good thing has value, and value is what you get!

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Meet our farmers

I am Vietnam coffee is unlike anything you’ve experienced before.
These offerings are meticulous hand-crafted works of art that showcase the culmination of Vietnamese farmers and roasted artists.
From the beginning, we source the highest quality coffee through Vietnam’s central highland farms. These beans are then given the closest attention by our master roaster and packaged fresh.

I am Vietnam coffee is the ultimate experience for coffee enthusiasts!

We are no longer friends with Mark Zuckerberg

We don't use Facebook or Instagram. We prefer making real personal, and one-to-one connections instead!

Coffee Drip

Only the ripe cherries are hand picked. This selective harvesting takes time and labour but enables quality and consistency, while the green cherries are getting ready

The ripe cherries are gathered for processing, in 3 methods: natural or dry process, washed process and honey process

Our products are certified to comply with Vietnam Food Safety Regulations for beans & powder, and TCVN 5251:2015

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